Rejected is how I have been feeling for a while, actually, a long while. And today, God reminded me that is how I am treating Him.
You know, Satan’s lies start small, kind of like in the Garden of Eden.
The serpent says to Eve, “Did God really say, ‘You must not eat from any tree in the garden’?” Find the story here: Genesis 3
That question threw Eve off just enough that she exaggerated what God had actually said about the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, and the rest is history.
How like us. We hear something and then the whispers that sound a lot like our own voices start to distort what loved ones, friends, and even God has spoken to us.
That is where I am right now. I have listened to the whispers of the deceiver and believed them. That people really don’t like me, that I am too much or not enough. And when you are so very aware of your own faults, they get magnified way out of proportion. This plays out in the staying in my comfort zone, I’m not going to get rejected there. I stick to one on one mentoring, which I love, but I can do damage control from there. I feel misunderstood, but my introverted personality and the fear of rejection will stop me from verifying if my feelings are validated or just nonsense.
What does this have to do with rejecting God? I have been running from my calling for too many years. God wants me to write, He has made that abundantly clear and yet I just keep putting it off. This morning, as I was praying/talking to God I got the loving but stern reminder that this writing thing needs to happen. I, of course, said I didn’t have time and I needed to meet with the people that I am mentoring/discipling and I had made the appointments. I could almost hear the sadness as He asked “What about me?” I admit, I have a hard time with one on one time with my God. He has proved Himself faithful countless times and is my portion but for some reason…
Do you struggle with rejecting God, too? Either by neglecting your quiet time with His Word, the bible, or not trusting Him with your life and dreams. I will probably struggle with both of these things as long as I breathe but I want to remember this the most:
Wow Sara! Your words are exactly what I needed to read today!! All too often the shouts of the world grab my attention and I lose focus. Thank you for the reminder to listen the One who has called my heart!!
Thanks, Sara. This was on my heart and it has not had many views. I sometimes still wonder the point of this writing thing though I am finally pushing through the doubts and being obedient. Thank you for the encouragement. Blessings!
This is so true Sara and well said. I too encourage you to write write write! I believe God speaks to our hearts with a “prompt” to do His Will. If we ignore that prompting, we miss out on a blessing and He will give that word to someone else. “His Will” will be done.
Thanks, Lynn. Sharing this post to a couple of groups was definitely a Holy Spirit prompt. God reminded me that these were his words not mine and I don’t need to fear the outcome.
Thank you for sharing so transparently. I think we all feel this way at times. I know it rang true for me. A beautiful reminder of pushing through the self-doubt to find God’s true calling for your life. I have been working on my daily quiet time as well. A challenge in the busy life I have chosen.
Thanks, Beth. It has been a process that will continue indefinitely knowing my tendencies. Praying that you will be able to find the balance and a thirst for His Word. Love and miss you!
I really love and respect your words and am following you. It seems your words hit my heart. Your message of a couple weeks ago sent me to some deep prayerful sessions and seems to be giving me the same messages back.
I know where my heart is. I know where God has led me in the past, I had not found a worshiping community to call my own. My belief was deep but not as convicted as now. Ever since my calling to join my wife and my calling to reaffirm my baptism and my love of Christ I have a yearning and a mission to learn more with my heart – not just with my ears. I to am finding a calling to share. Now I know that the Holy Spirit is leading me and I patiently pray that he does so through my heart. Thank you so much for all your wise and heartfelt words. They are a blessing.
Bruce, I am so excited to see where God is leading you. Go forward with a quiet listening heart. Blessings.
Unbelievably beautiful, you must continue writing! It’s your gift GOD has given you!!
Thank you so much, Michelle. Glad you enjoyed it.